You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

94 lines
1.5 KiB

$ seeds: 79 14 55 13
$ seed-to-soil map:
$ 50 98 2
$ 52 50 48
$ soil-to-fertilizer map:
$ 0 15 37
$ 37 52 2
$ 39 0 15
$ fertilizer-to-water map:
$ 49 53 8
$ 0 11 42
$ 42 0 7
$ 57 7 4
$ water-to-light map:
$ 88 18 7
$ 18 25 70
$ light-to-temperature map:
$ 45 77 23
$ 81 45 19
$ 68 64 13
$ temperature-to-humidity map:
$ 0 69 1
$ 1 0 69
$ humidity-to-location map:
$ 60 56 37
$ 56 93 4
TestInput ←
PartI ← (
⊜⋕≠@ .
| ∧(
(⍜(°□⊢⇌|(⊂|¤;)type.):⊜⋕≠@ .|⊂⊙i;)
Prune ← ▽≡(≠0⊢⇌).
PartII ← (
↯¯1_2⊜⋕≠@ .
| ∧(
⊜⋕≠@ .
| ⊂⊙i;
/↧ PartI TestInput
/↧≡⊢ PartII TestInput
/↧ PartI &fras ""
/↧≡⊢ PartII &fras ""